Friday, 27 February 2015


Your Irreplaceable seven seconds

How much do you own them ? 

We subconsciously judge people within the first seven seconds of meeting them

Five W of first Impressions 

1. When does this happen ?

 The moment that stranger sees you, his or her brain makes a thousand computations: Are you someone to approach or to avoid? 
Are you friend or foe? 
Do you have status and authority?
 Are you educated and intelligent ? 
Are you trustworthy, competent, likeable, confident?

2. What actually happens ?

 It’s not a conscious process, so we don’t even realise we’re doing it - but it goes back to our primitive roots when we couldn't afford to make wrong decisions.’ - clinical psychologist and author of Straight Talking
  • 50-55 % The way you appear and behave
  • 35-40 %  Tone and Pitch of your voice
  • 5-10 % What you say 

3. Why does this happen ? 

This 'Seeing is believing ' neurological reflex might have primarily evolved to identify predatory and non-predatory creatures as quickly as possible. 
Judi James, author of The Body Language Bible, agrees: ‘Judging other people in the first few seconds of meeting them is part of our survival response. So, although we might understand that it’s a flawed and prejudiced way of evaluation, we can’t stop ourselves doing it.

4. Who is in control ? 

YOU ! Work on A , B and C of Image management . A stands for appearance , B for behaviour and C for communication ( Both verbal and non-verbal ) 
Seven Seconds to Make a First Impression

5. Which area needs to be improved ?

It depends on your goal

Case 1 -If you are a business person, you need to be in command over your Behaviour and Communication . Appearance too will matter but your body language can make or break a particular dealYou've got 7 seconds to impress me: How we size up men in next to no time

Case 2- If your aim is to look attractive on your first date , you definitely strengthen your appearance . It doesn't mean that behaviour and communication can be ignored but visual appeal takes a front seat here .

Case 3 - A job applicant should be sharp in all the areas to crack the interview. Nail the interview 

Style Cafe 
Visual branding advisor 

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